One way that we exhale the gospel is by taking a regular Sunday morning and worship God through loving service to our city. Since 2014, this has been a powerful expression of Christ’s love for the community. Our desire is that Serve the City will be a tangible way for us to perform meaningful tasks for the community while showing the love of Jesus to those being served. We pray that by 2026, as an entire congregation we will take 4 Sundays a year to intentionally serve & bless our community.

In April
as an entire church we partner with Mission Arlington, a local ministry partner, and their apartment church ministry. Serving in over 50 apartment complexes around Arlington & Grand Prairie.

In August
we exhale the gospel in our community through serving our local schools. Each year, we mobilize our church body to serve in over 35 schools in our area. Through decorating the teacher's lounge, providing a gift and note of encouragement for teachers, and prayer walking the halls we want to bless the teachers, faculty & staff in our local schools.

In November
we partner with Children’s Hunger Fund to pack Food Paks for families that live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Children’s Hunger Fund is an organization that equips churches with Food Paks so church volunteers can reach out to those in their community and build meaningful relationships.
Upcoming Serve the City:
August 4th, 2024 – Serving Our Schools