Prayer is at the core of who we are at Fielder Church. It's a part of our church-wide 2026 vision to pray for 30,000 unbelievers by name. It's a part of the weekly routine of the staff to gather together to pray . It's what drives our ministry efforts. We depend on the Spirit's promptings & leading to advance His kingdom & grow His church.
Weekly Prayer Gathering
Each campus has a weekly prayer gathering to cry out to Jesus on behalf of our church, community, and unreached around the world.
Learn MoreMinistry Specific Prayer
Join us in praying for the different ministry areas in our church.
Learn MorePrayer D-Group
A year-long leadership discipleship group (LDG) designed to teach you how to pray.
Learn MoreLenten Prayer Effort
A 40-day prayer and fasting journey that prepares our hearts through sacrifice, introspection, and soul preparation that leaves our spirit longing for the celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday.
More InfoRamadan Prayer Effort
A 30-day prayer effort for the Muslim world during the most important Islamic month of religious observation.
Learn MoreUnreached People Group of the Day
The Joshua Project App “Unreached of the Day” leads us as a church to pray for one of the 7000+ unreached people groups around the world every day.
Learn MoreMinistry Specific Prayer
“Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore, we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.”
3 John 6–8 ESV
What is a Mission Expander Advocate?
An advocate is a person committed to offering holistic care and representation for mission expanders (individual or family) as they prepare to go, while they serve on the field, and as they navigate their return. An advocate is an essential partner in the work of the vision at Fielder Church to send 1400 mission expanders by supporting goers to ensure they are thriving and staying on task. Each Missionary & Church Planter will have a Community Group of advocates who work together to support them.
What is the commitment?
A Mission Expander Advocate commits to communicate & encourage their Goer regularly, visit if possible, and pray & fast for them!
Prayer is an essential part of being a Mission Expander Advocate
Interceding through prayer and fasting – regularly praying for your Goer and regularly asking God to move among the people group your goer is serving. This should be done individually as well as during team gatherings. Clyde Hodson, our prayer mentor, will be meeting with as many mission expanders and their advocates as possible to instruct the best to pray for expanders and their work. We encourage praying together weekly with your community group.
Interested in becoming a Mission Expander Advocate? Please contact Angela Kwak, Mobilization Pastor at
Every week a group of people gather to pray for foster & adoptive families.
They pray for:
- God to call more families into foster care & adoption
- Each foster & adoptive family by name
- People in our church to be compelled to serve foster/adoptive families
- Anything else the Spirit asks us to pray for
If you are interested in joining this prayer group please contact Erin Benton, Director of Foster Care & Adoption at
Whether you are pregnant, fostering, adopting, or a family in waiting, “Blessings to Come” is a ministry set up to pair a family with a prayer partner to walk with them through this new journey.
When you become a “Blessings to Come” team member you will be paired with an expectant pregnant, adoptive, or foster mother to offer monthly prayer & encouragement.
If you’re interested in joining “Blessings to Come” please contact our Preschool Pastor, Yadira Molina at
Kids Hope is a mentorship program that matches an adult with an elementary student at one school, to meet one hour a week during school hours.
Behind every Kids Hope mentor and mentee there is a prayer partner who is praying exclusively for them.
When we pray for God to work in each elementary students life, we can trust His promise to hear our prayer & move according to His will. Each Kids Hope child needs someone praying for them.
Interested in becoming a Kids Hope Prayer Partner? Contact the Lead Kids Hope Director, Connie Holland at
On every short-term trip there is training on the importance of prayer walking & how to do it. Some of the locations we go to, prayer is the only thing we are able to do.
Prayer walking is a movement of the Spirit throughout the United States and the globe where believers are asking for God’s blessing on their neighborhoods, campuses and work places. A Prayer Walk is a spiritual discipline of prayer whereby men and women are so moved with compassion for the lost and filled with faith that they break away from the routine of life and prayerfully walk through their neighborhood, campus or work place. In so doing, the Spirit of God begins to usher the reality of the presence and power of Jesus in that location. The Kingdom of God will be near!
A Prayer Walk is:
- Calling on the goodness of God to show His favor on your neighborhood, campus, or work place by blessing those who are there and asking for God’s peace within their lives as you walk, (Luke 4:16-19; 10:5,6)
- Affirming Jesus’ sovereign call in your life and affirming that He is placing households within the neighborhood, communities of students on campus or households of workers in the business in your hand. Then asking the Father to entrust Persons of Peace to you whom you can disciple. (John 3:27,28,34,35; 17:2-4,18; Luke 10:2)
- Spiritual warfare whereby we declare the truth and serve notice to the powers of darkness that Jesus is building His church and their gates cannot prevail against it. (Matt 11:12; 16:18,19: 2 Cor 10:4,5)
- Asking God to make the presence and the power of the Lord Jesus real to every household and community within your neighborhood, campus or work place by the Spirit. (Luke 10:9,21,22; John 15:26,27; 1 Cor 2:9,10)
If you are interested in learning more about prayer walking you can reach out to Clyde Hodson, the Prayer Mentor at or Angela Kwak, Mobilization Pastor, at
“In the year 2026, we will pray for 30,000 unbelievers by name.”
The primary way our church will strive for this vision goal is through our discipleship groups. One of the core aspects of each D-group is that every person in the group is praying for 3 unbelievers by name each week.
If you are interested in joining a D-group please visit the D-Group page on our website or contact Chance Coleman, D-Group Pastor at
Bless Every Home is a tool we use as a church to pray for our neighbors.
Bless Every Home gives our church body the tools to pray for, care for, share the gospel with, and disciple our neighbors.
They provide information for you to know your neighbors by name, so that you can begin to build relationships with them.
Learn more on their website. You can also download their app & set your church affiliation as “Fielder Church” so you can see who else is praying in their neighborhood! You can also purchase the book “B.L.E.S.S: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World” to help you dive deeper into loving & serving your neighbors in the name of Jesus.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Angela Kway, Mobilization Pastor at

If you have any questions about prayer at Fielder Church please e-mail our Prayer Mobilization Pastor, Clyde Hodson at