
"We choose radical generosity"

Be Generous with your time and skills.

Please take a few minutes and tell us a little bit about yourself & where you would like to serve!

Why 'Radical Generosity'?

One of our Fielder Five is "We Choose Radical Generosity". Why? Jesus was radically generous with us! As we follow in the way of Jesus, we also choose to be radically generous. Matthew 20 tells us that "Jesus came to Serve, not to be served."

As humans, we tend to hold tight to two things - our Time and our Money. As you look at the teachings of Jesus, he said I have a better way that pleases Him, serves the Kingdom, and leads to greater joy.

Our invitation is to follow Jesus by serving in one of the Fielder ministries. Check out the list below, check areas that you are interested in, and we will follow up with you with more information.