Gabriel Carvalho

Send Resident

Gabriel is a first generation Brazilian American originally from New Rochelle New York. Gabriel felt a call to ministry two years prior to moving to Texas and wrestled with saying yes to the calling. God led Gabriel to desire to be equipped for ministry through his education. So he packed up all his things and moved to Fort Worth, Texas in 2021 to attend Texas Baptist College.

As soon as he landed in Texas and moved into his dorm, he joined Fielder Church where his older brother was attending. Fielder Church immediately felt like home for Gabriel. The vision, diversity, and community engagement, attracted Gabriel to the church. Soon after, Gabriel joined Fielder on their various mission trips to Brooklyn and Queens, New York. Through his ministry opportunities as an RA at the dorms at Texas Baptist College, and the ministry opportunities through the mission trips with Fielder, Gabriel found his passion for teaching, loving, and discipling others to point them to Jesus. Gabriel applied to the SEND Residency to pursue this further.

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