Good Friday

Friday, March 29th @ 7:00pm at Each Campus

What to Expect

Have you ever stopped & thought about why Jesus had to die? During this service, we'll reflect on the gravity of our sin that was placed on the shoulders of Jesus and wait with anticipation for the tomb to be empty on Easter Sunday. Because if we don't understand the crucifixion, then we can't fully appreciate the power of the resurrection!

Children's Ministry available birth-k. Student Ministry (7th-12th grade) will not be available.

Find a Campus Near You!

Friday, March 29th at 7:00pm

Pioneer Campus

2011 S Fielder Rd. Arlington TX 76013

Grand Prairie Campus

2985 S Watson Rd. Grand Prairie, TX 75052

South Oaks Campus

5925 US 287 Frontage Rd Arlington, TX 76017

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Our pastors & staff would love to answer any questions you might have about our services.

What is Good Friday?

On Good Friday we remember how Jesus willingly suffered and died as the complete & perfect sacrifice for our sins (1 John 1:10). In order for the good news of the gospel to have meaning for us, we first have to understand the bad news of our condition as sinful people under condemnation. The good news of deliverance only makes sense once we see how we are enslaved.

On the day he was crucified...

Around 9am, Jesus is now on the cross-hanging between two thieves. The people hurl insults and mock him. David predicted their behavior and very words a thousand years earlier in Psalm 22. The Psalmist describes the piercing of Jesus’ hands and feet, the casting of lots for his clothing and the insults hurled at him by those observing his pain and agony. Yet the Psalm concludes in victory, glory to God, and salvation to the nations.

At 3pm, several things occur at once: Jesus said "It is finished.” He breathes his last and gives up his spirit. The earth shakes and rocks split. Tombs open and the dead bodies of people are raised to life and appear to citizens of Jerusalem. The temple curtain is torn from top to bottom.

When Jesus’ body is taken off the cross, they sealed him in a tomb and sent soldiers to guard it....

When we remember our own selfishness and pride and the consequences those sins bring upon us, we can freely marvel at the sacrifice of Christ for us and give him the worship due his name.

Let’s take time to feel the magnitude of our sin, at this Good Friday Service and appreciate the gravity of our doom and the majesty of what Christ accomplished for us. During this service, we will enter into the tomb and feel the weight of our sin placed on the shoulders of Jesus. From the end of this service until Easter morning, we will wait with anticipation for the tomb to be empty!