“This is Church” will unpack what the bible says about the church. We tend to think the church is a building to gather, a place to be inspired, or an institution to meet our needs. The church, as God designed, is so much more than that.

Why do people love Jesus but hate the church?

The church was established as a powerhouse built on the gospel and redeemed to make a difference in this world. When we all learn that and live it out, the gates of hell can’t stop her!

The church isn’t a building….we are the church. 

We want to encourage our congregation that you don’t go to Fielder Church; you are Fielder Church. So, it’s time to start acting like it! If you have been sitting on the sidelines, it’s time to jump in.

We hope you’ll join us in this series as we let the Bible shine a light on what God intended for the church to be.