*This Support Group meets every other Tuesday. The meeting dates for the summer are June 27, July 11, July 25, August 8*

Pre-Registration is required and helps us anticipate how many to expect! 

At Fielder Church, we believe that every child deserves a loving and nurturing home. We understand that the journey of foster care and adoption can be both rewarding and challenging. That’s why we have this support group, a safe and supportive community for families involved in foster care and adoption.

This support group is a place where foster parents, adoptive parents, and those considering foster care or adoption can come together to share experiences, gain valuable insights, and find strength in one another. Whether you are just starting the process, in the midst of the process, or are just looking for support in raising your children, this group is for you!

During our gatherings, you can expect:

  1. Open Discussions: Engage in open and honest conversations about the joys, struggles, and triumphs of foster care and adoption. Share your experiences, seek advice, and offer support to others who are on a similar path.
  2. Emotional Support: Receive encouragement and empathy from fellow group members who understand the unique challenges faced by foster and adoptive families. Gain strength from the knowledge that you are not alone in this journey.
  3. Resource Sharing: Discover local resources, support services, and community organizations that can assist you on your foster care and adoption journey. Learn about training opportunities, legal procedures, and the importance of self-care.
  4. Spiritual Nourishment: Connect with others who share your faith and explore the spiritual aspects of foster care and adoption. Find comfort and guidance in the teachings of the Baptist Church as we seek to fulfill our call to care for vulnerable children.

Childcare available birth-6th for those who pre-register through the form below.